black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Inspiring Faith Through Words

Welcome to Jeremy Hairr's Blog

Join me on a journey of faith, family, and writing as we explore life's questions together.

An open book featuring a page from the Bible with text from 1 Corinthians 7:9. The book has a brown leather cover and is resting on a light-colored surface.
An open book featuring a page from the Bible with text from 1 Corinthians 7:9. The book has a brown leather cover and is resting on a light-colored surface.

Get in Touch with Jeremy

I look forward to hearing from you and connecting further.

A heart-shaped object with 'Child of God' written in gold is placed on an open page of a Bible. The focus is on the text that includes the passage 'For God so loved the world,' with the heart object slightly transparent, showing a peach and pink hue.
A heart-shaped object with 'Child of God' written in gold is placed on an open page of a Bible. The focus is on the text that includes the passage 'For God so loved the world,' with the heart object slightly transparent, showing a peach and pink hue.